Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mommy Instinct

Having never given birth to my children. I have often question how true my Mommy instinct really is. I didn't know if Mommy instinct is something that develops as you carry your child in your womb, if all women are naturally born with it or if it is a gift that God gives mothers. I tend to believe the last one, but I think Mommy instinct is also a skill that needs to be developed by trial and error. I have experienced it enough to learn to trust my Mommy instinct when that little voice tells me there's something I need to take care of.

This afternoon I picked Joey up at Bangor Rec's Summer Day Program. Joey has been going to the program on and off throughout the summer. He has the best time, is with kids his own age and has made some great friends. When I pick him up, he usually doesn't want to leave. Today was different. When I arrived, he ran right over to me and gave me a huge hug. I looked at him and noticed his eye was red and runny. I asked him what had happened and apparently he was standing behind a boy staring off into space when the boy put his backpack over his shoulder hitting Joey in the eye. I talked with the counselor about it and was told that it had just happened moments before I arrived and they had Joey put a cold cloth on it. I got Joey into the car and he sat there very still just holding his eye. I picked up Danny and took them to McDonald's. The plan was that we were going to eat and then go to church. By the time we got our food, Joey couldn't even open his eye. I questioned whether or not this was real or if he was looking for some extra attention from Mommy. He kept hugging and was very cuddly to me. This in itself is not unusual, but doing this at McDonald's in front of a lot of his peers was highly bizarre. My six year old is very cool and would not want to tarnish that image in front of his friends unless he was really hurt. My Mommy instinct was shouting that I needed to get him seen by a medical professional.

At this point, I made the decision to take him to Walk In Care. Thank goodness I have wonderful friends that were able to jump in and help me with Danny because I can't imagine trying to attend to a clingy six year old and chase an overactive four year old at the same time.

We got to Walk In Care and waited for over an hour to be seen. The first nurse tried to examine Joey and found he was in extreme pain. We waited for a room and the P.A. came in and took a look at Joey who, at this point, couldn't even open his eyes. They were able to put a drop of novocaine in his eye and this helped to take the pain away. They did a vision test and then put some fluorescent dye into his eye. Lo and behold a HUGE scratch appeared across the cornea. No wonder he was in such pain. I'm so glad I listened to my Mommy instinct.

So tomorrow we will see a specialist to treat his eye. Please keep Joey in your prayers as he is in quite a bit of pain. Poor Kid!!

I think that we all have internal gifts to which we need to be sensitive. Some call these instincts, but I really think that these are gifts from God. Those times when you sense something is going to happen before it happens or you know how someone's feeling by just looking at their eyes. These are all gifts from God so we can be sensitive to one another's needs. Use your gifts and trust your feelings.

I'm so glad I listened to that voice that told me to get my baby help. I think that's what makes a true mother. I may not have given birth to either of my boys, but I know them better than any one else in this world. I know what makes each of them tick. I know when they are lying, when they are in pain, when they need an extra hug, when they need to talk about what's bothering them, when they want to share their happiness, when they want to share their sadness, when they don't understand and when they understand all too well. That's what truly makes a mother. It's the person that knows you the best and understands. It's the person that will stand behind you no matter what you do and will believe you when no one else in the world does. It's the person that will also lovingly tell you when you are wrong and will be your biggest cheerleader when you successfully reach a goal you made for yourself. But, most importantly, it is the person who listens to their Mommy instinct and gives you exactly what you need when you need it most.

The light green stripe is the scratch.


  1. Praying for him Judi!!!

  2. Judi, I think that a lot of that "Mommy instinct" comes from getting to know our kids and being in tune with them. That's how I know when something is off. Her Dad doesn't have the same sense, though -- but I'm better at "reading" people than he is, in general.
